LGBTQ+ Resources

Information and advocacy supporting LGBTQ+ youth

Nearly 400,000 children and youth are in foster care in the United States, according to federal data. Within that population, LGBTQ+ youth are consistently over-represented.

Studies show roughly 30% of youth in foster care identify as LGBTQ+, as compared to 11.2% of youth overall.1 In some cases, identifying as LGBTQ+ correlates directly to foster care, with primary families rejecting or neglecting young people after learning about their gender or romantic/sexual identity.

Data makes it clear: There's a profound need for more and better support for LGBTQ+ youth inside the child welfare system.

Struggling In the System

Once in foster care, many LGBTQ+ youth continue to face difficulties at higher rates than non-LGBTQ+ youth. Compared to peers, LGBTQ+ youth in foster care reported more issues with mental health, poorer school functioning, and higher levels of substance use.1

Studies show a higher number of foster care placements and increased likelihood of group home placements among LGBTQ+ youth2, along with a lower probability of finding a permanent home3. Within the foster care system, 13% of LGBTQ+ youth reported being treated poorly — more than double that of non-LGBTQ+ peers.3

One study found that 78% of LGBTQ+ youth placed in care were removed or ran away because of caregivers’ hostility toward their sexual orientation or gender identity.3

Statistics Show the Scope
  • LGBTQ+ youth in foster care are three times more likely to report a past-year suicide attempt.4
  • 56% spent time without stable housing because they felt safer on the streets than in foster care.3
  • 100% of LGBTQ+ youth in group homes reported verbal harassment, and 70% reported physical violence.2
  • The risk of homelessness is twice as high with LGBTQ+ youth as non-LGBTQ+ peers.5
Affirmation Forms a Foundation

Efforts to extend and expand support to LGBTQ+ youth are essential to reversing these trends and helping young people see a path toward a positive future.

  • When LGBTQ+ youth with a history of foster care attended an LGBTQ-affirming school, odds of reporting a past-year suicide attempt were 50% lower.6
  • LGBTQ+ youth who felt high levels of family support reported attempting suicide at less than half the rate of those who felt low or moderate support.7
  • LGBTQ+ youth living in an accepting community reported significantly lower rates of attempting suicide.7


Addresses disparities faced by LGBTQ+ populations with resources and education

Information about gender-diverse and transgender children for caregivers and schools

Guidance for families and healthcare professionals in supporting transgender children

Advocates and educates about needs and rights of children born with intersex traits and those that care for them

Resources for LGBTQ-2S American Indian and Alaska Native individuals and families

Supports and advocates for LGBTQ+ elders’ rights and well-being

Data & Research

Advocacy for public policy and social change to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people

Conducts independent research on SOGIE public policy and law.

Accessing Affirming Care and Support

Searchable listings of LGBTQ+ community centers and events in the United States and Canada

Provides medical and healthcare to queer and trans individuals

Resources related to mental health for QTPoC, including a directory of QTPoC mental health providers

Operates a national 24-hour, toll free,( 866-488-7386) confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ+ youth and resources for individuals and schools

Grassroots emotional and financial support for trans people in crisis, including a hotline and microgrants

Family Support

Resources to help ethnically and religiously diverse families support LGBTQ+ children

Peer support, education, and advocacy for LGBTQ+ people, parents, caregivers, families, and allies

Guidance for health and social service practitioners to help families and caregivers support LGBTQ+ children

Connection and support for youth and families through ongoing groups and an annual conference


Researches and creates resources to advocate for and to create safety and inclusion for LGBTQ+ youth
and families in schools

Resources and support for and about the school experiences of LGBTQ+ students of color

Resources designed to help educators create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students

Leadership development, training, and more to empowers LGBTQ+ youth to advocate for themselves within schools

Youth-led organization working to transform education for trans and gender-nonconforming students


Legal advice, guidance, and representation.

Advocates for public policy and leads education campaigns for LGBTQ+ people and those living with HIV

Assistance for people who face disadvantages in determining gender identity and expression.

Advocacy for policy and social change supporting transgender people and combatting discrimination