Find answers to frequently asked questions from agency staff, parents, caregivers, and other members of the community supporting children in foster care.

If you don’t find the answer to your question, please reach out to our team and let us know how we can help.

If you’re looking for specific details about training programs and becoming a certified partner, please check out more information about Omni Family Institute’s work here.

We affirm the uniqueness of each person. Our commitment to respect goes beyond tolerance, embracing inclusivity and understanding. We strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued, heard, and accepted for who they are.

OFI provides ongoing coaching and collaborative learning with other partners. We believe that best practice includes learning from others who are doing the same work. TFTC partners will have direct access to an Omni Family Institute Consultant as well as access to learning from others through collaborative learning opportunities.

OFI will help Agency Master Trainers identify a training plan prior to the Agency Master Trainer Institute.  As soon as Agency Master Trainers are trained in the model, agencies can roll TFTC out to caregivers.  OFI does require that both the coach (direct staff) and the caregiver are trained in the model.  This ensures that the coach and caregiver are speaking a common language and fidelity can be upheld.

We encourage leadership to present this to staff with an enthusiastic explanation that the TFTC model offers staff and caregivers a new approach to looking at tangible, trauma informed tools.  TFTC encompasses the “why” of trauma-based behaviors, as well as the “how” to help families with big behaviors. These tools are the product of research and evidence-based interventions that have been shown to help kids with significant trauma histories and complex unmet needs overcome problematic behaviors.  Seasoned caregivers and staff report learning something new and seeing some well-known information through a different lens.  If staff approach this model with enthusiasm, then caregivers will be excited as well.   

  • Hope is the belief that your future will be better than today and you have the power to make it so.
  • Hope is a way of goal setting by identifying pathways and potential barriers to get to that goal as well as maintaining willpower to keep working towards the established goal.
  • Hope is NOT a wish
  • Hope Navigators are staff within the agency who make a commitment to the Science of Hope, attend a 2 day training and are willing to use the principles of Hope within their agency’s Hope Centered vision.
  • Hope Navigators can be anyone at any level of an agency
  • Hope Navigators work within groups to establish a Hope Centered goal and work with that group and the agency’s Hope Ambassador to work that goal to completion.
  • Buffer to burnout and turnover
  • Increase in wellbeing
  • Confidence to apply the Science of Hope to improve outcomes
  • Ability to use hope with customers/clients/students
  • Ability to create Hope Centered tools, processes to improve program effectiveness
  • Positive impace on organizational culture
  • Improved on-boarding and human resource processes
  • Positive impact on stakeholder communication and organizational effectiveness
  • Improvement in Trust, Communication and Cohesion
  • Promotes a common language for system impact and across diverse sectors in a community
  • Promotes interagency cooperative agreements
  • Increase in shared practice to improve citizen outcomes
  • Enhances coordinated community response
  • Enhances collective hope
  • Increase in social action (e.g. voting, volunteerism)
  • Increase in community wellbeing

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