Hope Collective

An innovative approach to trauma-informed treatment

What it is

Integrating the Science of Hope Into Practice

The Hope Research Center develops Hope Navigators who collaborate to develop a roadmap for integrating the Science of Hope into daily practice.

This innovative and research-based approach has been proven to improve community systems of care outcomes through improvements in client goal attainment, adverse childhood experience (ACE) impact, and workforce retention.

About the Science of Hope

Benefits of training Hope Navigators for your agency:

Read More from The Hope Resource Center

The Science of Hope explores the psychological, emotional, and cognitive processes involved in teaching Hope in the context of envisioning a different future by goal setting, identifying multiple pathways and having the willpower to begin and sustain the process.

At its core, the Science of Hope is concerned with understanding how individuals can create a mindset for resilience and other needed skills in the face of adversity, uncertainty, and stress. Research in this area has found Hope to be a powerful predictor of well-being, mental health, and overall life satisfaction. The Hope Research Center has conducted extensive research on Hope Science and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Omni Family Institute is collaborating with the Hope Research Center to bring the Science of Hope to Omni Family of Services. 

Currently we are operating under a four-year grant awarded by the Department of Children’s Services and Building Strong Brains to incorporate the Science of Hope in our practice. We are doing this by holding two Hope Navigator trainings yearly, led by Dr. Chan Hellman and Dr. Angela Pharris, and embedding the Science of Hope into daily practice.

Navigators are responsible for infusing the Science of Hope into their work by coming up with goals that they work on with the Hope Ambassador and with support from leadership.

Connect With the Hope Collective

Reach out to learn more about the Hope Collective Practice Model for your system of care.