Fully certified Together Facing the Challenge programs are sustainable and independent in practice, and have access to Omni Family Institute resources including further on-site and virtual training, ongoing support, and inclusion in OFI’s searchable database of certified partner agencies.
About the application process
Achieving Certification
Achieving TFTC Program Certification starts with training and, for eligible agencies, can usually be finalized within seven to nine months.
The certification application includes:
- Submitting data and fidelity forms in use via OFI’s partner portal
- Setting training plans for the next 12 months, including caregiver training and staff training
- Confirming at least one Agency Master Trainer in each office

Maintaining Certification
Once an agency achieves Program Certification status, they’re asked to provide bi-annual data updates via OFI’s partner portal in order to maintain certification.
Requirements include:
- Maintaining one Agency Master Trainer per office
- Holding annual Master Trainer refresher training
- Providing AMT Collaborative access
If you’re looking for more detail about the certification process, requirements, or benefits, the OFI team can help.