Omni Family Institute partner agencies gain access to our researched and proven curriculum — anchored by Together Facing the Challenge — along with ongoing consultation, on-site and virtual training options, quarterly collaborative learning opportunities, and more.
First Steps to Partnership
After your agency signs a contract with Omni Family Institute to begin Together Facing the Challenge training, prepwork begins.
Identify trainer(s)
Your team identifies your key Agency Master Trainers, or AMT.
AMTs set and complete a pre-training meeting to plan caregiver training.
Schedule Training
Your team's onsite training is scheduled.
Next Steps for Partners

Together Facing the Challenge includes three days of in-depth onsite training that covers the core tenets of this evidence-based model.

Once onsite training is complete, participant agencies receive OFI consultation that includes active support and guidance as the agency works towards model certification.
Agencies that complete TFTC training are on a path toward achieving TFTC Program Certification and gaining the benefits that come with it.
Looking to Learn More?
Agency partners are core to realizing Omni Family Institute’s mission of improving outcomes for youth in care. If you have questions about becoming a partner or the certification process, we’re here to help.