
Embarking on the Together Facing the Challenge (TFTC) Journey: Transforming Foster Care

It's not just another job; it's a profound opportunity to make a tangible impact…

Stepping into my new role as a trainer and consultant for Omni Family Institute (OFI), I’m filled with excitement and anticipation. The chance to dive into teaching the Together Facing the Challenge (TFTC) curriculum ignites a deep sense of purpose and joy within me. It’s not just another job; it’s a profound opportunity to make a tangible impact on the lives of vulnerable children nationwide, and that’s truly something truly special.

The TFTC curriculum is more than just a series of seven sessions; it’s a comprehensive program designed to equip foster parents with the skills and knowledge they need to provide nurturing and supportive environments for children with emotional or behavioral challenges. With its proven track record and widespread adoption in over 130 partner agencies across 30 states, TFTC has already transformed the lives of countless youth and caregivers. And now, I have the privilege of being part of this transformative journey!

Communication lies at the heart of every meaningful relationship, and this holds true for foster care as well. TFTC emphasizes the importance of impactful relationships and the power of language. Open and effective communication between foster parents and children is key. By honing their communication skills, foster parents can create an atmosphere where children feel heard and respected. Whether it’s actively listening to a child’s concerns or expressing empathy and understanding, effective communication lays the foundation for meaningful connections,  connection before correction.

In the world of social work, we often talk about the power of resilience—the ability to overcome adversity and emerge stronger than before. As I embark on this new role of TFTC trainer and consultant, I am reminded of the resilience of the human spirit and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.  

With enthusiasm and dedication, I look forward to the journey ahead and the countless lives we will impact along the way. Together, we are facing the challenge with courage, compassion, and unwavering determination and transforming the future of foster care. We have the power to create a brighter future for the next generation.

Keonté Jenkins-Davis, LMSW

Omni Family Institute

TFTC Trainer and Consultant

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